June 21, 2009

Slappin' On The Tool Belt

It happens to be Father's Day and guess what we didn't get for Larry? A tie.

Wrapping up a crowbar; a hammer; goggles; and a thingy for pulling up ugly tile and ugly paneling has it's challenges.

So here it is ... our new home, so far.

For those of you who might have an idea that I'm a spoiled Greenwich girl, think again. We have two things going for us: Larry loves a challenge and I have one excellent quality; I am a truly adaptable chick. (This means I can pretty much host a party for one, in a closet, providing I have some bright paint and good music. Will somebody please tell Larry just how lucky he is?)

Being born a Ballard means I have a dominant feeding gene. I like a big, inviting and cozy kitchen. Looking at this, I'd opt for a can of beans heated over a garbage can fire in a back alley.

Luckily, we do have three months, (minus a planned two week holiday to visit family in the states), to get this heap in some kind of living order!

Truth be told, I'm excited about the challenge, but I am holding my breath just a little.

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News About The Boys

Mrs. Bliss told us there is a caterpillar here that is pink and fuzzy, and, if you touch it, its fur will stick in your skin and sting you! This happened to her daughter, Aylana. It was very painful and they had to pull the fibers out using tape! There are also scorpions and snakes, but I think there are more poisonous snakes in Florida.

William is busy, busy. In the morning he does his home schooling (Dad is his teacher!). Then, around 9:00 he rushes happily off to the local, Catholic, Spanish-only school where he audits the 4th grade! He's been doing some skim boarding but we are seriously missing the skating. Surfing looms in the near future. For a change we finally have kids on our street to play with, (not to mention dogs and roosters, snakes, toads, etc.) and it is wonderful making new friends. Still, William really misses his friends and family back in Sarasota. It's wonderful to get messages from the folks back home.

We send a special "Hello How Are Ya?" back to Nolen, Max, Connor, Emily W. and Teah!

Larry is Mr. Handy! Between homeschooling and making repairs on the house, he is never without something to do. And we have gone from never seeing him, to having him around all the time. Hmmmmmm.....

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