Holy Mary Jesus and Joseph. There was a moth the size of a flippin' cat on our car! Apparently, we have the Magic Beast Attracting Carport because about a month after we discovered the whopping Dinner Toad (about 1 pound and bigger than my stretched hand) resting on our carport, this enormous White Witch Moth was found sleeping on Larry's car tire. Possibly the largest moth in the world, it has a wing span from between 10 and 12 inches! Frankly, if it were lightly battered and fried, I think it could provide crispy snacks for a family of three.
Any way you look at it, you just can't go hungry in Panama. Note below Larry's favorite Hamburger Stand on the road to Bocas del Toro.
And for entertainment, there is always the Good Friday Electric Jesus Floats! There were four in all, smothered in local flowers, each heavier than 6 coffins and carried in silence through town for the annual Good Friday procession. We processed along with the locals, but lasted only about five stations... not because the walk was a stretch, but because remaining quiet for that long is a cross I am not willing to bear.
1 comment:
Sounds like a lot of fun, except for the attempt to remain silent for the full stations of the cross. Not a cross to bear, my dear cousin, an impossiblity!
with love,
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